Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas

I have to admit that I was feeling like Charlie Brown this Christmas season. The fast-paced, worldly & commercialized version of this special holiday really got to me. I felt the stress and strain many people feel this time each year, and especially this year because of the economy and constant barrage of bad news. The Spirit of Christmas seemed to be pushed aside. Jesus has been squeezed out of his own birthday celebration. Christ has been taken out of Christmas. It has become X-mas. I heard more "Happy Holidays" greetings than "Merry Christmas". If you're a Christian, you realize how sad this is. On the other hand, I understand the true meaning of Christmas and I'm grateful for the gift God sent us - a Savior. Jesus was born to save us from our own sins. . .to re-establish a personal connection with God. He loves us! And that's the greatest gift of all.
So, look past the glitzy facade and materialism today. There is a deeper, more spiritual meaning to this day. May you find peace in your heart and a spring in your step, just like Charlie Brown did after hearing what Christmas is all about.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Private Party

A recent private event that I photographed at The Langham Pasadena had an amazing buffet of desserts, which included a flowing chocolate fountain. This was in addition to the delicious dinner they served, and it appeared that many guests ate lightly at dinner to sample all the great sweets. Have you ever had a chocolate snobinette?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
New Blog

In response to a recent story in the L.A. Times Sports about the lack of identity for former Los Angeles Rams football players, I decided to start a blog to hear from Rams fans. It's off to a good start! If you are (or were) a fan of the Rams, please visit and share your comments.
Check it out here: