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I met with a young photographer this week who is taking over an old established studio in another state. She's about a year into the transition and told me about the "training" by the previous owner. He actually told her to put the camera on Auto and point the flash directly at the subject, and not worry about the background because the subjects are more important. She was a little disheartened, to say the least. I had taken some time in advance of our meeting to view the studio's website and offered some constructive criticism for improvements. In the hour-and-a-half that we spent together, I tried to impart as much practical knowledge as possible to this aspiring professional, then sent a few links to helpful information online in a follow-up email. I wish her success in overcoming the obstacles of working with an apparently apathetic business partner. The good news is that she will eventually develop her own style and turn the studio into the business she desires.